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Effectiveness of trigger point dry needling for plantar heel pain: a meta-analysis of seven randomized controlled trials.

Related Articles Effectiveness of trigger point dry needling for plantar heel pain: a meta-analysis of seven randomized controlled trials. J Pain Res. 2017;10:1933-1942 Authors: He C, Ma H Abstract BACKGROUND: Plantar heel pain can be managed with dry needling of myofascial trigger points (MTrPs); however, whether MTrP needling is effective remains controversial. Thus, we conducted […]

Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections as a Treatment for Refractory Patellar Tendinosis: A Meta-Analysis of Randomised Trials.

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Dry needling in lateral epicondylitis: a prospective controlled study.

Related Articles Dry needling in lateral epicondylitis: a prospective controlled study. Int Orthop. 2017 Aug 21;: Authors: Uygur E, Akta? B, Özkut A, Erinç S, Yilmazoglu EG Abstract PURPOSE: Lateral epicondylitis (LE), a common disease, especially in middle age, causes decreased productivity and economic losses. The first-line treatment for LE is conservative and consists of […]

August 2017 Letters to the Editor-in-Chief.

Related Articles August 2017 Letters to the Editor-in-Chief. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2017 Aug;47(8):580-585 Authors: Abstract Letter to the Editor-in-Chief of JOSPT as follows: “Manual Therapy: More Than Elaborate Swordplay” with Authors’ Response “Comparing Dry Needling to Corticosteroid Injection for Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome” with Authors’ Response J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2017;47(8):580-585. doi:10.2519/jospt.2017.0204. […]

Response to acupuncture treatment in horses with chronic laminitis.

Related Articles Response to acupuncture treatment in horses with chronic laminitis. Can Vet J. 2017 Aug;58(8):823-827 Authors: Faramarzi B, Lee D, May K, Dong F Abstract There is a need for evidence-based scientific research to address the question of the effectiveness of acupuncture in improving clinical signs of laminitis in horses. The objective of this […]

Conservative Management for Stable High Ankle Injuries in Professional Football Players.

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Pathoanatomical characteristics of temporomandibular dysfunction: Where do we stand? (Narrative review part 1).

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Conservative management of temporomandibular dysfunction: A literature review with implications for clinical practice guidelines (Narrative review part 2).

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A critical overview of the current myofascial pain literature – June 2017.

Related Articles A critical overview of the current myofascial pain literature – June 2017. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2017 Jul;21(3):673-683 Authors: Dommerholt J, Chou LW, Finnegan M, Hooks T Abstract We would like to welcome Dr. Li-Wei Chou, MD, PhD as our newly appointed contributing author. Dr. Chou is Assistant Professor at China Medical University […]

A Multimodal Approach for Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A Prospective Study.

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Dry needling in the management of myofascial trigger points: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials.

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Rapid Alleviation of Parkinson's Disease Symptoms via Electrostimulation of Intrinsic Auricular Muscle Zones.

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Surface Electromyographic Activity of the Upper Trapezius Before and After a Single Dry Needling Session in Female Office Workers With Trapezius Myalgia.

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Assessment of the mechanical properties of the muscle-tendon unit by supersonic shear wave imaging elastography: a review.

Assessment of the mechanical properties of the muscle-tendon unit by supersonic shear wave imaging elastography: a review. Ultrasonography. 2017 Apr 15;: Authors: Lima KMME, Costa Júnior JFS, Pereira WCA, Oliveira LF Abstract This review aimed to describe the state of the art in muscle-tendon unit (MTU) assessment by supersonic shear wave imaging (SSI) elastography in […]

Injected corticosteroids for treating plantar heel pain in adults.

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Decreased Spontaneous Electrical Activity and Acetylcholine at Myofascial Trigger Spots after Dry Needling Treatment: A Pilot Study.

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