Home / My Account / My IDN Discounts/Vouchers


Since you’ve attended a course with IDN – you can use the following coupon codes to save big on a future course registration!

  • Foundation Course code for $100 off – IDNFOUNDATION100
  • Advanced Certification Course code for $200 off – IDNADVANCED200
  • Advanced Lumbopelvic Integration Course code for $100 off –  IDNPELVIC100
  • Upper Extremity Course code for $100 off – IDNUPPER100
  • Cranio-Cervical in-person course code for $100 off – IDNCERVICAL100
  • Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Tendinopathy Course code for $100 off – IDNULTRASOUND100
  • Complex Persistent Pain Course code for $200 off – IDNPAIN200
  • MSK Ultrasound Upper / Lower Extremity code for $100 off – MSKUS100
  • Cranio-Cervical home study course code for $50 off –IDNCERVICAL50
  • NRT home study code for $50 off-IDNNRT50

** Applies to new orders only.  Does not apply to discounted course bundles. 

Additional questions?

If you are having any trouble using your discounts, please reach out to use via out contact page.


10% OFF

any IDN Course!

*Valid for new registrations only and can not be combined with other discount codes.  Offer Expires: 7/7/2024

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