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This musculoskeletal (MSK) ultrasound (US) Competency course is based on over 30 years of combined clinical experience in MSKUS. The course is a combination of live hands-on training and close instructor supervision to provide the participant with an efficient and effective pathway to master MSKUS and become a Certified Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Clinician (Cert-MUSC) through IDN. The clinical use of MSKUS is the future of musculoskeletal care and this certification is based on the current research outlining the safety and effectiveness. MSKUS replaces many of the antiquated bedside clinical tests that have poor sensitivity and specificity leading to inaccurate conclusions about the patient’s condition. MSK US allows the clinician and the patient to view real-time anatomy and determine the condition of the soft tissue resulting in the development of an informed plan of care. The satisfaction levels of your patients and referral sources will skyrocket as will your treatment outcomes!
[Prerequisite- MSK Ultrasound of The Upper Extremities and MSK Ultrasound of The Lower Extremities courses]
The purpose of the MSK US Competency course is to:
1. Master the knowledge and clinical skills necessary to visualize joints and associated soft tissues.
2 Provide real time visual education to the patient.
3. Develop a plan of care and treatment intervention.
4. Make appropriate referrals to medical professionals.
This applied-learning competency course combines live demonstrations, practical hands-on labs, and virtual video learning. Students participate in small groups of 2 or 3 to practice getting reliable and reproducible US images, which will be evaluated by the instructor with individual feedback provided. Supervised lab sessions are performed to safely and effectively visualize normal and pathologic soft tissue structures.
Click here to view the full course agenda.
During the 2-day competency certification course it is the expectation that you will be:
The ultrasound images and information is based on the work of Dr. Randy Moore.
Learn MSKUS for the Entire Upper Extremity
Learn MSK Ultrasound for the Lower Extremities
Become a Certified Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Clinician (Cert-MSUC)
Become a Certified Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Clinician (Cert-MSUC)
The course is structured around practical hands-on clinical training in a supervised and supportive environment.
PowerPoint presentations supporting proper technique and current research.
Improve the participants understanding and appreciation for the anatomical structures of what is normal.
Always providing you the best seat in the house!
Small group practice of MSK ultrasound imaging skills for specific structures in the upper and lower extremities
Implement and practice utilizing different handling techniques of the transducer to optimize the MSK ultrasound image.
Have additional questions after the course? No problem -we got you! Your registration in any IDN course provides you unlimited access to our Professional Discussion Forum. You can get your questions answered by an IDN instructor or another IDN practitioner.
It is a great place to ask, answer and network with other IDN practitioners and instructors!
I have been to many continuing education courses and this course with Steve is one of the best I have attended. Steve is very knowledgeable and the course covered a ton of clinical material.
Course covered a ton of clinical material ERIK HOLMES, PTGreat course with very relevant clinical application. Being able to view, treat and diagnose is a game changer.
Game changer DAN FLEURY, PTGreat course, great instructor and a great new tool to add to the tool box. Very excited to use in the clinic.
Great course, great instructor KATE SERODIO, PTI loved how much hands on time we had on the course and how it was evidence based. I learned so much and can apply the material.
Lots of hands-on time!Steve is able to present the information and knowledge in an understandable and encouraging way.
US is the future of PT! Glenn Flaming, PTI have completed fellowship training in diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSKUS).. Dr. Coppola and his assistant demonstrated their expertise and exceptional skills in a progressive and structured format that assisted the students in building confidence in their ability to identify anatomical structures and then dry needle those structures effectively over the course of two days. This course was 90% hands-on with significant one-on-mentoring throughout and provides good evidence-based education. I highly recommend this course. Thank you!
Expertise and exceptional skills Casey Kirkham, PT© Integrative Dry Needling 2025 | All rights reserved | Designed by Weblink
any IDN Course!
*Valid for new registrations only and can not be combined with other discount codes. Offer Expires: 7/7/2024
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The pre-course handout was very helpful. There was plenty of time to really dive deep into assessing and then needling. Steve is extremely knowledgeable and there was enough lab time to really practice and learn the technique.
Enough lab time to really practice KATHERINE WELDON, PT