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Using Dry Needling to Improve the Quality of Life of Patients With Shoulder Dysfunction Following Neck Dissection: An Innovative Case Report

Cureus. 2024 Apr 18;16(4):e58541. doi: 10.7759/cureus.58541. eCollection 2024 Apr.


The spinal accessory nerve manipulation or sacrifice during neck dissection results in trapezius muscle denervation and atrophy, leading to shoulder disability. Patients start experiencing pain and weakness while moving their shoulders, including elevation, rotation, and abduction, as well as reduced range of motion (ROM) and dropping of the shoulders. There are several ways to treat the condition, including using painkillers or undergoing physical therapy. Physical therapy plays a major role in improving shoulder function. Dry needling (DN) is an emerging treatment modality that involves eliciting a local twitch response in the region of myofascial trigger points, which can reduce pain and increase the ROM. This case report documents how DN improved shoulder function in a 51-year-old female who had pain when moving the shoulders and limited ROM after undergoing a modified radical neck dissection.

PMID:38765452 | PMC:PMC11101594 | DOI:10.7759/cureus.58541


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