Neurologic Dry Needling for Cranio-Cervical Pain & Dysfunction is an advanced level training program designed for clinicians that have prior dry needling training and clinical experience. This course will develop the knowledge and clinical skills required to safely and effectively diagnose and treat painful neuromuscular conditions in the cranial, facial and cervical regions. Details of the musculoskeletal and neuroanatomical relationships, both peripheral and central, that exist between the regions will be discussed. The role of inflammation (neurogenic) in the production of pain and dysfunction is described. Peri-neural needling techniques for both peripheral and cranial nerves is explained and demonstrated. This course focuses on improving clinical decision-making and treatment outcomes in this challenging patient population. Complex clinical conditions such as concussions, migraines, TMD, otological symptoms and cervicogenic dizziness are discussed and treatment plans are presented.
Neurologic Dry Needling for Cranio-Cervical Pain & Dysfunction is an advanced level training program designed for clinicians that have prior dry needling training and clinical experience. This course will develop the knowledge and clinical skills required to safely and effectively diagnose and treat painful neuromuscular conditions in the cranial, facial and cervical regions. Details of the musculoskeletal and neuroanatomical relationships, both peripheral and central, that exist between the regions will be discussed. The role of inflammation (neurogenic) in the production of pain and dysfunction is described. Peri-neural needling techniques for both peripheral and cranial nerves is explained and demonstrated. This course focuses on improving clinical decision-making and treatment outcomes in this challenging patient population. Complex clinical conditions such as concussions, migraines, TMD, otological symptoms and cervicogenic dizziness are discussed and treatment plans are presented.
$ 425.00
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