Interesting case for sure. Why do they think she has he swelling? Is it cardiac, lymphatic, or local vascular/tone issues? Also, out of curiosi...
I’ve had a course participant use the asp needles and he seemed to like them. Serins are still my favorite. I use DBC often as well.
In response to the DVT. While not a contraindication it is always advisable to check with the patients physician to ensure it is appropriate to needle...
Yes as Jonathan has stated. The advanced course covers the specifics of needling the pterygoids. For now, start with needling the trigeminal distribu...
the Risk is probably minimal as the lesions are so small but work within your comfort. Of additional concern when you cup over an area you have rec...
We typically don’t recommend needling into the involved limb. I think it would make good sense to start with superficial needling at proximal or con...
Hey Susan, Absolutely I would include IDN in my rehab planning. How long since the injury? What other conservative care have you done? It sounds l...
Hey I just wanted to add to this. I had a patient recently with symptoms consistent with a restless leg type sensation. Not formally diagnosed and ...
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