Joined: Feb 14, 2020
Topics: 3 / Replies: 51
RE: neuropathy and phantom limb pain

Cassie, I have not had the opportunity to treat anyone with phantom limb pain. I can tell you I have talked to several people in courses who have h...

7 years ago
RE: Plantar Fascia

Here is a link to an image on my facebook page of a set up I used for a triathlete with plantar fascia pain. I use a similar set up pretty often in th...

7 years ago
RE: Eczema

Im not aware of any research in this area nor I have tried it personally. I like your thought process though. let us know how it goes.

7 years ago
RE: Dry Needling for Adhesive Capsulitis

Hey Alex, The advanced course some more specific axillary points, lats, teres, etc are covered there which can be useful. I have had great success ...

7 years ago
RE: Dry needling with the Crossfit community

Hey Jessie, I work out of a Crossfit gym and a large percentage of my patients are crossfit athletes. There is a lot of opportunity here. I made a ...

7 years ago
RE: Multiple sclerosis patient

Hey Christine, Curious if you have tried additional sessions with this patient? Occasionally, you will get that sensation with ENS due to proximity...

7 years ago

Heres an article on ultrasound guided dry needling for complex regional pain syndrome type 1. There is a central component to CRPS so we recommend in...

7 years ago
RE: Medial knee Osteoarthritis

What all have you tried? I like coming down the saphenous nerve distribution sometime with multiple needles in the “box” if you will. Adding ENS fo...

7 years ago
RE: Dry Needling into SI joint space?

Absolutely. From a safety standpoint as long as you are below iliac crest, heading towards bony ligamentous backdrop, you should be good to go. We ...

7 years ago
RE: Passing out? And time constraints

Obviously the patient has to want to try needling. You never want to force someone to do it but if they want to do it i would try it. I would try pr...

7 years ago
RE: DeQuervains Syndrome -

For sure! You have options for tendon needling, nerve distribution, and don’t forget opposite forearm and proximal nerve emergent points.

7 years ago
RE: Dry Needling for extensor tone post spinal tumor excision

Interesting case for sure. Why do they think she has he swelling? Is it cardiac, lymphatic, or local vascular/tone issues? Also, out of curiosi...

7 years ago
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