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The local and referred pain patterns of the longus colli muscle.

Related Articles The local and referred pain patterns of the longus colli muscle. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2017 Apr;21(2):267-273 Authors: Minerbi A, Ratmansky M, Finestone A, Gerwin R, Vulfsons S Abstract The longus colli muscle is a neck flexor believed to play an important role in pain originating in the neck region, including pain resulting […]

A critical overview of the current myofascial pain literature – March 2017.

Related Articles A critical overview of the current myofascial pain literature – March 2017. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2017 Apr;21(2):378-385 Authors: Dommerholt J, Grieve R, Hooks T, Finnegan M Abstract After two years of having contributed to this overview series of articles, we sadly say goodbye to Dr. Rob Grieve. We would like to thank […]

Effectiveness of Inclusion of Dry Needling Into a Multimodal Therapy Program for Patellofemoral Pain: A Randomized Parallel-Group Trial.

Related Articles Effectiveness of Inclusion of Dry Needling Into a Multimodal Therapy Program for Patellofemoral Pain: A Randomized Parallel-Group Trial. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2017 May 13;:1-43 Authors: Espí-López GV, Serra-Añó P, Vicent-Ferrando J, Sánchez-Moreno-Giner M, Arias-Buría JL, Cleland J, Fernández-de-Las-Peñas C Abstract Study Design Randomized controlled trial. Background Evidence suggests that multimodal interventions […]

Effects of Low-Load Exercise on Post-needling Induced Pain After Dry Needling of Active Trigger Point in Individuals with Subacromial Pain Syndrome.

Related Articles Effects of Low-Load Exercise on Post-needling Induced Pain After Dry Needling of Active Trigger Point in Individuals with Subacromial Pain Syndrome. PM R. 2017 May 05;: Authors: Salom-Moreno J, Jiménez-Gómez L, Gómez-Ahufinger V, Palacios-Ceña M, Arias-Buría JL, Koppenhaver SL, Fernández-de-Las-Peñas C Abstract BACKGROUND: Application of dry needling is usually associated to post-needling induced-pain. […]

Comparision of two different dry-needling techniques in the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome.

Related Articles Comparision of two different dry-needling techniques in the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome. Agri. 2017 Jan;29(1):9-16 Authors: Ta?o?lu Ö, ?ahin Onat ?, Bölük H, Ta?o?lu ?, Özgirgin N Abstract OBJECTIVES: To compare the efficacy of two different dry needling (DN) techniques (deep dry needling & peppering) in myofascial pain syndrome (MPS). METHODS: Seventy-two […]

Efficacy of quadriceps vastus medialis dry needling in a rehabilitation protocol after surgical reconstruction of complete anterior cruciate ligament rupture.

Related Articles Efficacy of quadriceps vastus medialis dry needling in a rehabilitation protocol after surgical reconstruction of complete anterior cruciate ligament rupture. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Apr;96(17):e6726 Authors: Velázquez-Saornil J, Ruíz-Ruíz B, Rodríguez-Sanz D, Romero-Morales C, López-López D, Calvo-Lobo C Abstract BACKGROUND: Several new rehabilitation modalities have been proposed after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Among […]

Ultrasound guided intra-articular injection of the radio-ulnar & radio-humeral joints and ultrasound guided dry needling of the affected limb muscles to relieve fixed pronation deformity and myofascial issues around the shoulder, in a case of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome- type 1 (CRPS-1).

Ultrasound guided intra-articular injection of the radio-ulnar & radio-humeral joints and ultrasound guided dry needling of the affected limb muscles to relieve fixed pronation deformity and myofascial issues around the shoulder, in a case of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome- type 1 (CRPS-1). Pain Pract. 2017 Apr 23;: Authors: Pai R, Vas L Abstract BACKGROUND: Complex […]

Effectiveness of dry needling and high-volume image-guided injection in the management of chronic mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy in adult population: a literature review.

Related Articles Effectiveness of dry needling and high-volume image-guided injection in the management of chronic mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy in adult population: a literature review. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2017 Apr 19;: Authors: Chaudhry FA Abstract Achilles tendinopathy is a common overuse condition affecting the adult population. The incidence is on the rise because of […]

Cadaveric and Ultrasonographic Validation of Needling Placement in the Cervical Multifidus Muscle.

Related Articles Cadaveric and Ultrasonographic Validation of Needling Placement in the Cervical Multifidus Muscle. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2017 Apr 13;: Authors: Fernández-de-Las-Peñas C, Mesa-Jiménez JA, Paredes-Mancilla JA, Koppenhaver SL, Fernández-Carnero S Abstract OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine if a needle is able to reach the cervical multifidus during the application […]

The 4th Generation of Dry Needling

We describe our Integrative Dry Needling (IDN) courses as the 4th generation of dry needling because IDN represents the progression of dry needling theory and clinical application. Let me explain. The 1st generation of dry needling is based on the work of Dr. Janet Travell, MD.  Her work introduced the myofascial trigger point model, which […]

Pathophysiology of Trigger Points in Myofascial Pain Syndrome.

Related Articles Pathophysiology of Trigger Points in Myofascial Pain Syndrome. J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother. 2017 Apr 05;:1-2 Authors: Money S Abstract Questions from patients about pain conditions and analgesic pharmacotherapy and responses from authors are presented to help educate patients and make them more effective self-advocates. Trigger point pathophysiology in myofascial pain syndrome, which […]

Hip Pain: Dry Needling Versus Cortisone Injections.

Related Articles Hip Pain: Dry Needling Versus Cortisone Injections. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2017 Apr;47(4):240 Authors: Abstract Greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS) is chronic, intermittent pain and tenderness on the outside of the hip. The medical community once thought that a swollen hip bursa was the source of such pain, which led to the […]

Effectiveness of Different Deep Dry Needling Dosages in the Treatment of Patients With Cervical Myofascial Pain: A Pilot RCT.

Related Articles Effectiveness of Different Deep Dry Needling Dosages in the Treatment of Patients With Cervical Myofascial Pain: A Pilot RCT. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2017 Mar 14;: Authors: Fernández-Carnero J, Gilarranz-de-Frutos L, León-Hernández JV, Pecos-Martin D, Alguacil-Diego I, Gallego-Izquierdo T, Martín-Pintado-Zugasti A Abstract OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of different dosages of local […]

Letter in response to Letter-to-the-Editor regarding Comparison of two angles of approach for trigger point dry needling of the lumbar multifidus in human donors (cadavers) ().

Related Articles Letter in response to Letter-to-the-Editor regarding Comparison of two angles of approach for trigger point dry needling of the lumbar multifidus in human donors (cadavers) (). Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2017 Mar 06;: Authors: Hannah MC, Cope J, Palermo A, Smith W, Wacker V PMID: 28291700 [PubMed – as supplied by publisher]

Evidence and expert opinions: Dry needling versus acupuncture (II) : The American Alliance for Professional Acupuncture Safety (AAPAS) White Paper 2016.

Related Articles Evidence and expert opinions: Dry needling versus acupuncture (II) : The American Alliance for Professional Acupuncture Safety (AAPAS) White Paper 2016. Chin J Integr Med. 2017 Feb;23(2):83-90 Authors: Fan AY, Xu J, Li YM Abstract In the United States and other Western countries, dry needling has been a topic in academic and legal […]


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