The Integrative Dry Needling Institute, LLC (IDN) is committed to providing high quality dry needling seminars in a safe and compliant environment for our participants and faculty. Dry needling is an invasive medical procedure that requires very specific and intensive training to assure patient safety and clinical effectiveness. Many state licensure boards require that dry needling training is conducted in a supervised, in- person format, therefore, in the wake of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, IDN has adopted very specific safety polices and procedural processes that will be immediately implemented in our courses.

Control and Prevention

Measures for protecting participants/faculty from exposure to, and infection with, the novel coronavirus depend on the type of activities being performed. IDN has adapted infection control strategies based on a hazard assessment using appropriate combinations of engineering, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent participant/faculty exposures.

IDN has adopted OSHA’s general guidance to help prevent exposure to COVID-19. For all individuals, regardless of specific exposure risks, it is always a good practice to:


Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. When soap and running water are unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand rub with at least 60% alcohol.


Always wash hands that are visibly soiled.


Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.


Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

In addition, IDN has placed the following controls in place for each course:
  • Upon registration participants are required to attest that if they begin to experience symptoms, consistent with COVID-19, they will contact IDN immediately to be rescheduled to a future course.
  • Prior to entering the course, participants/IDN instructor will be screened for symptoms consistent with COVID-19.  If positive symptoms are discovered the student will not be permitted to attend the course and will be rescheduled to a future course.  If the IDN instructor has symptoms, consistent with COVID-19, he/she will be replaced with another IDN instructor who does not have symptoms.
  • If a participant learns that they have been exposed, or diagnosed, with COVID-19 within a 7-day period after completion of the course they agree to contact IDN so that the other course participants can be notified.
  • Class size will be such that the appropriate social distancing can be achieved.
  • Hand sanitizer to sanitize hands will be available at each course.
  • Wearing of gloves will be required.  Gloves will be provided at each course. 
  • IDN will follow all current CDC guidelines as it relates to face coverings.  Local recommendations will also be considered on a case by case basis.
  • Dry needling lab demonstrations will be performed by the instructor on a volunteer at the front of the room. The demonstration will have live video that will be projected in real time on the front screen allowing all participants to clearly see the techniques and avoid gathering at the front of the room. 
  • IDN labs are performed with a groups of 3 participants per treatment table. Under normal circumstances participants have the option to move to into different groups/tables throughout the course.  Effective immediately, participants will remain at the same table throughout the course to minimize contact with other participants.
  • Environmental decontamination: The treatment tables will be disinfected each time the group of 3 rotates the subject that was receiving the needling.


These safety measures were put in place based on the current information and guidelines and will be striclty enforced.  As new information and guidelines become available, we will modify our procedures to assure the highest level of safety and compliance with health and government requirements.

Participants that refuse to follow saftey guidelines will be removed from the course.

IDN’s policies and procedures were developed using the following sources:

2. https://www.osha.go


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*Valid for new registrations only and can not be combined with other discount codes.  Offer Expires: 7/7/2024

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