
Neurologic Dry Needling for Complex Persistent Pain: A Comprehensive Approach from the Athlete to Geriatric





Neurologic Dry Needling for Cranio-Cervical Pain & Dysfunction (Home Study)

The Neurologic Dry Needling for Complex Persistent Pain Course (3-days) builds on IDN’s foundational and advanced courses to integrate a comprehensive neurological approach for treating patients with complex persistent pain conditions. Through this approach, participants will examine the interplay between the peripheral, central, and autonomic nervous systems that underpin persistent pain. Participants will learn evidence-based clinical evaluation methods to identify dominant pain mechanisms, utilizing screening tools and IDN’s bedside quantitative sensory testing for a comprehensive analysis of results. This course links dry needling mechanisms to the dominant pain mechanism (nociceptive, nociplastic, and neuropathic) by deepening participant’s understanding of neuro-inflammatory mechanisms, including the modulation of neurogenic inflammation in peripheral tissues, neuro-segmentally, and within the central nervous system. Dry needling treatment concepts will be applied to a broad spectrum of patient cases, ranging from athletes to geriatric patients by using a refined and global approach within the well-established IDN model. Methods for stimulating the Vagus Nerve to modulate pain and inflammation will be incorporated into participants’ treatment strategies. This course equips participants with the tools and knowledge to design comprehensive and adaptive treatment plans for patients with both simple and complex cases.


The purpose of the Neurologic Dry Needling for Complex Persistent Pain:  A Comprehensive Approach from the Athlete to Geriatric Course is to solidify the understanding of dry needling safety, clinical reasoning and the development of a clinical plan of care to treat all neuromusculoskeletal conditions.  

At the conclusion of this course, participants are required to pass a practical examination based on the development of a comprehensive DN plan of care to prepare them to confidently treat patients.  A passing score of 80% is required.


This is all original content that can only be acquired through our institute

  • Advanced dry needling techniques for prevention, pain management and optimizing human performance.
  • Understanding of the anatomy, neurology, and physiology of microcirculation, soft tissue healing and remodeling.  
  • Clinical techniques for examination and management of peripheral nerve inflammation, radiculopathy,  and neuromuscular dysfunction,
  • Assessment of imbalance of the neuromusculoskeletal system and dry needling techniques for rebalancing homeostasis,
  • Pre and post-symptom treatment in athletic performance,
  • How peripheral nervous system inflammation influences musculoskeletal dysfunction and how to manage it with Integrative Dry Needling
  • Review of evidence-based research data. 


7:30 am Registration – Course begins at 8:00 am to 6pm (lunch 12:00 – 1:00)


8:00 am to 6:00 pm (lunch 11:30 – 12:30)


8:00 am to 5:00 pm (working lunch 12:00 to 1:00) [lunch provided]

Click here for full course schedule.

  1. Define primary (local) and secondary (spinal and widespread) pain classifications as it relates to dry needling assessment and treatment.
  2. Understand the pathophysiologic mechanisms involved in primary and secondary pain classifications.
  3. Identify various methods for examining primary and secondary pain classifications that are appropriate for dry needling treatment. 
  4. Understand the neurophysiologic analgesic response from dry needling at local, segmental, and systemic levels to address chronic pain mechanisms.
  5. Demonstrate dry needling treatment strategies to appropriately address the presenting pain classifications.
  6. Outline the safety considerations and guidelines for dry needling practice.
  7. Apply the clinical assessment, and treatment information to patient case studies.

Prior Dry Needling training/experience is required. Completion of the IDN Neurologic Dry Needling for Pain Management & Sports Rehabilitation (Foundation) Course is preferred.  However, we will accept your prior training from a different continuing education provider. 

Does this IDN Course offer CEU credits?






Get started with Dry Needling

  • Ability to needle the entire body after this one course
  • Safe and effective dry needling techniques
  • Add a new service line to your practice
  • Free marking through our media platforms

Persistent Pain Course

Transformative effect of Neurologic Dry Needling

  • Yes, I want to be prepared to deliver safe and effective dry needling care for persistent pain.
  • Yes I want to learn advanced neuromuscular dry needling applications and techniques!

Advanced Course

Next Level Training!

  • Yes I want to learn advanced neurologic dry needling applications that can only available in this course!
  • Yes I want to be a Certified Integrative Dry Needling Clinician(CIDN)!


SAVE $900! Get the Foundation, the Advanced and Persistent Pain Courses and save!


regularly $3,895

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Student Testimonials

I have been doing dry needling for 10 years, 2 years ago I took a course by IDN and Frank and the course changed the way I had been needling, and has had such great results on all of the patients. It has opened up so many new ways to utilize needling to treat patients with different diagnoses and see great results.

Danna Smith PT certified google review

The content and conceptual ideology and theory of IDN is exceptional. This program provides a 720-degree view of the patient involvement. The IDN approach and techniques is unrivaled by other trigger point-based theories.

IDN is exceptional STEPHEN WINNER, PT

I appreciate that IDN is ahead of the curve in acknowledging the role of the CNS in musculoskeletal pain and not solely focusing on tissues.

IDN is ahead of the curve JOHN KRAVIC , PT

IDN teaches you not only to how to needle but how to question and clinically reason through your treatments. It’s not a cookie cutter approach of “here’s one diagnosis, this is what you do”. The course makes your think critically and work hard, but you’ll come out with many ways to not only help patients using dry needles, but how to integrate the modality into any plan of care across all the spectrums of patients.

Not a cookie cutter approach LEIGH ALEXANDER, PT

The courses and information that the Integrative Dry Needling Institute offers to medical professionals in the rehabilitation field are second to none. In my opinion, they are a staple to any physical therapist's repertoire and they help paint a full picture of the body through a neuromechanical lens. These instructors seamlessly integrate dry needling and manual therapy techniques into a detailed, yet comprehensive framework that allows clinicians to apply concepts rather than rigid techniques. This makes the IDN approach a more complete model than other approaches that I have seen. Combined with the most up to date research, instructors that are leading professionals in their fields, and a strong emphasis on safety and education, you will not find a better continuing education course.

David Ramsey PT Certified google review

This is my third course through IDN and I can’t wait for the next. I love the way that IDN integrates the science of neurogenic influence on inflammation and healing with the physical benefits on the tissue. It has revolutionized my approach to Physical Therapy after 30 years of practice. I have taken courses with Cody and David and they are excellent tutors.

Eric Mason PT Certified google review

What I really loved about IDN was how it developed my assessment skills that I use certainly for DN, but have incorporated it into my entire practice. Understanding the condition of the nervous system is the key to developing a treatment plan and getting clinical results. The IDN assess/treatment model really sets you up for success! Thank you!

Randy Johnson PT Certified google review


The structure of this course 27-hour intensive practical classroom program addresses theory and key principles with extensive supervised participant practice.

  • Multiple Keynote presentations

    With video support will begin each new section.

  • Demonstrations

    Instructor demonstration of the techniques allowing ample time for questions.

  • Interactive Lab Sessions

    Interactive lab sessions will follow where the participants practice and discuss the techniques and concepts with each other and with the instructor.

  • Instructor Summary

    After each interactive lab section  there is an instructor debrief to provide feedback and answer any remaining questions.


Have additional questions after the course? No problem -we got you! Your registration in any IDN course provides you unlimited access to our Professional Discussion Forum. You can get your questions answered by an IDN instructor or another IDN practitioner.

It is a great place to ask, answer and network with other IDN practitioners and instructors!

Integrative Dry Needling

The 4th generation of dry needling education and treatment



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