Groin/Testicular Pa...
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Groin/Testicular Pain

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Joined: 5 years ago

Hello All!

I have a patient who has hip OA and SI joint dysfunction. He has been responding well to needling and joint mobilizations, but his primary residual complaint is groin/testicular pain. He has already been checked by a MD to have henia, etc. ruled out.

I have done dry needling for the paravertebral segments and femoral nerve to address his quad muscle spasms and I have done needling for his hip joint capsule. I remember testicular pain was mentioned in the advanced course, but couldn't remember exactly what was said.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

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Hi Katherine,
The pain distribution you describe is mediated by the ilioinguinal and {genito}femoral nerves and those should be needled as I described in the Advanced Course. You are correct to needle the paravertebrals specifically upper lumbar and I would also check the obturator nerve as it will refer to the lateral pelvic wall. The above in combination with manual therapy of the thoracolumbar junction/upper lumbar should give you a good result. If the pain persists /unchanged I would move him on to a pelvic specialist as the source may not be neuromusculoskeletal. Hope that helps



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