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Dry Needling and Steroid Injections

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Joined: 2 years ago

Is it safe to dry needle in the area where someone had a steroid injection? Is there a wait time with this. Like 1 week, 30 days, etc.

Is there any difference in injection versus oral steroid pack.

1 Reply
Posts: 60
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Catherine,


One of the great things that dry needling does is increase blood flow and most would say you want to give a couple days to allow the steroid to stay in the local area. It is not an absolute contraindication but may make sense to stay away from the direct  area that was just Injected, but certainly you can needle around it. This kind of goes along the same lines as Botox injections where I give it a 2 to 3 days to settle in and then I come in later to clean it up in regards to the residual tone and guarding that may be a direct result of the paresis from the Botox- so bottom line is dry needling can be an adjunct to both Cortizone injections and Botox just have to have the right timing.

Hope that helps




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