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DN for Upper Abdominal and Chest Pain

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Hello! I have been treating a patient for approx 3-4 weeks now that was referred to me (PT) for chest and abdominal pain. He has had CTs, CXR, US, endoscopy, colonoscopy and a PFT all of which were negative. He has SOB intermittently, complain of tightness along the lower chest wall and has substantial hypersensitivity on the right side. No known MOI. I have been treating him with the theory that he has anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment and have been doing the following treatments: flat needling tender points along the abdominal wall, using IASTM along the lower intercostals, cupping along the lateral chest wall while he does some LTR/deep breath work, needling the lats and corresponding paravertebral points that follow his pain pattern, yoga-inspired movement patterns with breath work, diaphragm release and general education on diet and desensitization techniques. He is about 50% better which is great but what am I missing?



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