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Dental assistant with MS

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Hello all…hoping some can give me advice on how to treat a lady with neck and shoulder pain secondary to being in a side bent position (towards the right) as a dental assistant for many hours of the day. The trickiest part with her is she has MS…how would you go about first treatment. Would you go after homeostatic points /or/ treat symptomatic points in neck and shoulder /or/ a little bit of both knowing I can’t use too many needles the first treatment. Any advice is welcomed and appreciated! Thank you! 

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Posts: 28
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Luke! 

I think it's wise to have a cautious start with needling dosage in an individual with MS.  Don't forget to also utilize your QST assessment to guide your needling dosage. 

I would definitely prioritize you're homeostatic points. This is going to help you address the "system" and target neurogenic inflammation. you should still have a few needles to be able to address symptomatic points after that. As her tolerance increases you can add paravertebral points. 

Another option would be to reduce your needle length if need to to minimize size of lesion if her tolerance is fair. 



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