Dr. Nick Sanders, was trained personally and certified by Dr. Frank Gargano in the Integrative Dry Needling system. Nick has been using the IDN system since 2012. He is the owner of PHYT For Function LLC, a cash based, physical therapy clinic in Hudson, OH. Dr. Sanders specializes in orthopedic and manual therapy with special interests in vestibular rehabilitation and sports performance. He works as a consultant with several area Crossfit gyms implementing dry needling, movement evaluation, and manual therapy for the care and performance of their athletes. He has presented on topics of movement enhancement and screening in several Crossfit Gyms in North East Ohio. Nick has also worked as a sports performance coach where he trained athletes to improve their Olympic weightlifting technique, running mechanics, movement patterns and speed training. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. He has completed continuing education in the Mulligan Concept, The Selective Functional Movement Assessment and Postural Restoration Institute. Dr. Sanders is a member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association, American Physical Therapy Association and Sports Special Interest Group.

“IDN is such an invaluable clinical tool because of the versatility and ease which it integrates into manual therapy treatments”

-Dr. Gargano

Current dry needling research project:

  • The use of Integrative Dry Needling for Recovery and Performance of Crossfit Based Training. Sanders, N. (Research Design Phase)

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