David is an Associate Professor of Physical Therapy at Youngstown State University (YSU) in Youngstown, OH. David received his Doctorate of Physical Therapy from YSU and completed his Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Physical Therapy from NOVA Southeastern University in 2017. David holds three nationally recognized certifications in orthopedic manual therapy. {Certified Mulligan Practitioner (CMP), Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist (COMT), and Certified Integrative Dry Needling (CIDN)} David has 10 years of dry needling experience and has taught over 65 courses across the nation for the Integrative Dry Needling concept. His scholarship accomplishments include 4 published journal articles with contributions to an edited orthopedic textbook. His current research agenda is focused on the physiological mechanisms and clinical outcomes from dry needling for orthopedic related spinal conditions.

“My goal when teaching a course is to not strictly teach a technique but provide a neurologic framework to common conditions that will change your clinical practice. ”

-Dr. Griswold


  • Griswold, D., Gargano, F., & Learman, K. E. (2019). A randomized clinical trial comparing non-thrust manipulation with segmental and distal dry needling on pain, disability, and rate of recovery for patients with non-specific low back pain. Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1080/10669817.2019.1574389 
  • Griswold, D., Wilhelm, M., Donaldson, M., Learman, K., & Cleland, J. (2019). The effectiveness of superficial versus deep dry needling or acupuncture for reducing pain and disability in individuals with spine-related painful conditions: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 27(3), 128-140. https://doi.org/10.1080/10669817.2019.1589030 
  • Wilhelm, M. P., Donaldson, M., Griswold, D., Learman, K. E., Garcia, A. N., Learman, S. M., & Cleland, J. A. (2020). The Effects of Exercise Dosage on Neck-Related Pain and Disability: A Systematic Review With Meta-analysis. journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy, 50(11), 607-621. https://www.jospt.org/doi/10.2519/jospt.2020.9155 
  • Keter Damian, Cook Chad, Learman Kenneth & Griswold David (2022) Time to evolve: the applicability of pain phenotyping in manual therapy, Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 30:2,61-67, DOI: 10.1080/10669817.2022.2052560
  • Griswold D, Kolber, M, Learman K, Cleland, J.  A Pragmatically Applied Cervical and Thoracic Non-thrust Mobilizations versus Thrust Manipulation for Patients with Mechanical Neck Pain: A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial. J Ortho Spor Phys Ther,137-145. https://www.jospt.org/doi/10.2519/jospt.2018.7738 
  • Griswold, D., Learman, K., O’Halloran, B., & Cleland, J. (2015). A preliminary study comparing the use of cervical/upper thoracic mobilization and manipulation for individuals with mechanical neck pain. Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 23(2), 75-83. https://doi.org/10.1179/2042618614Y.0000000095 
  • Griswold, D., Rockwell, K., Killa, C., Maurer, M., Landgraff, N., & Learman, K. (2015). Establishing the reliability and concurrent validity of physical performance tests using virtual reality equipment for community-dwelling healthy elders. Disability and rehabilitation, 37(12), 1097-1101. https://doi.org/10.3109/09638288.2014.952451 
  • Schomacher J, Gattermeier A, Griswold D, Learman K. ManuelleTraktion entfernt die Gelenkflächen in der Schulter: eine Beobachtungsstudie (Manual traction separates the joint surfaces in the shoulder: an observation study). Pt_Zeitschrift für Physiotherapeuten. 2014;66:22-32.   

Current dry needling research project:

  • Lieber, M. Griswold, D. Gargano, F., Ickert, E. Immediate effects of superficial dry needling of the trigeminal nerve innervation field for participants with cervicogenic headache.  A Randomized Controlled Trial. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. June, 2022.  
  • Griswold, D. Learman, K. Ickert, K. Tapp, A., Ross, O. “Dry Needling for Subacromial Pain Syndrome. A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis.” Pain Medicine. May, 2022.
  • Griswold, D.  Learman, K. Ickert, E. Clewley, D. Donaldson, M. Wilhelm, M. Cleland, J. Comparison of dry needling or local acupuncture versus analgesic medicinal injections for musculoskeletal pain and disability. A descriptive systematic review. Disability and Rehabilitation. May 2022 

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